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About Us

The facilit at Ocean State Fit

 John provides a safe, private, and fun environment for you to unlock your potential.  Your potential to feel better and live pain free.  Potential to look and feel better than you have in years or even decades.  Potential to play your best golf, tennis, skiing or just playing with the kids or grand kids. Being a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Strength Coach helps, but smart program design influenced by over 30 year's experience and a desire to always be learning is way more important.   We offer personal training at my private studio in Cumberland, RI, and Kirkbrae Country Club (members only) as well as online coaching and program design. Feel free to reach out to discuss your unique situation.

Meet Your Coaches

A picture of John and Dewey

John Miller, Owner, CSCS

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John has been in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years from NJ to NYC and finally Rhode Island where he has been for the last 25 years. Although he enjoys the ”transformation” side of Personal Training, the “corrective” side has always been his passion. The two sides often coincide at Ocean State Fit because not only does everyone want to look better, but they want to get out of pain and feel better too. John’s focus on keeping up to date on the latest information regarding corrective exercise, conditioning and nutrition make him ideally suited for the job.
Aside from being a Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), John is also a Certifed Strength & Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS), Titleist Performance Level 1, Precision Nutrition Certified (PN) & Functional Movement Screen (FMS) provider.
This is Dewey, who was everyones friend.

Duke "Dewey" Miller

We're sad to say that on May 27, 2016 we had to say goodbye to Dewey.  He truly was the sweetest little guy you could ever hope to meet and my clients just loved seeing his cute face whenever they came to train at OSF.  Most Miniature Pinschers can be quite high strung, but Dew was super chill.  Dew had a tough go of it the first five years of his life because of abuse and neglect that left him with a neurological disorder that eventually got the best of him,  I'm happy to say that the last 7 years of his life were filled with lots of love and happiness though.  I like to think he won Puppy Powerball the day he was rescued because he really did live the life of Reilly...deservingly so.

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